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Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions: Some Tricks And Methods That You Need To Know

Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions

Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions

For curious users of the Pokémon Go game, pokémon Go Eevee evolutions are one of the most pertinent concerns. Hence we find that at a certain point of their journey, they wish to know some tricks or strategies to foster the evolution of Eevee. 

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Hence if you are one such user then do not worry as there are many other people like you. Thus for the sake of everyone we shall explore some intriguing aspects of pokémon go Eevee evolutions here in this article. Keep on reading to know more.

A trick that works only once

Gamers around the world have figured out a tactic to ensure that they can evolve eevee in their choices. However, you must remember that these tricks tend to work only once. Thus let us see some pertinent examples in this case.

Some people might want a fairy-type alternative. Hence in this case they can focus on renaming Eevee to Kira in order to transform into a fairy-type Sylveon. Those gamers who want an ice-type transformation must rename Eevee to Rea in order to transform into an ice-type Glaceon. 

Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions

Go on to change the name of Eevee to Tamao if you wish to get a dark-type Umbreon. Do you want a water-type Vaporeon? Therefore, you should then change the name of Eevee to Rainer to transform into a water-type Vaporeon. Some users a transformation to a lightning-type. Hence for those gamers, the change in the name must be done from Eevee to Sparky. This will surely result in the transformation into a lightning-type.

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Alternate methods

Let us now explore some alternate methods for Pokémon go Eevee evolutions. The Mossy Lure and the Glacial Lure, respectively are intriguing methods to reckon with. Thus these are the second Eevee evolution methods utilized by Gen 4’s Leafeon and Glaceon. Wiki

Go to your Eevee and then proceed to select the Evolution when you are within range of that PokéStop that has the lure enabled. Meanwhile, you will find that the second Eevee evolution method is present in the Gen 2 Umbreon and Espeon. Thus there is no hassle in that case. 

The next step after walking your Eevee as a Buddy for ten kilometers will be followed by evolution. Hence in this case you can evolve it into the desired evolution. You can do so either at night or in the form of Umbreon. However, you can also do so during the day in the form of Espeon.

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You need to keep in mind certain things for this to work. Thus let us find out what it is. Well, you see that in order for it to work, you specifically need to walk 10 kilometers at large. After that only you shall be capable of acquiring two candies along the way. This isn’t all. There is more. Hence this is a series of long steps. 

You also need to keep Eevee as your Buddy in this case. You must focus on this when evolving consistently. Also, you must ensure to be in the game at all times for these tactics to work in the best possible manner.

Hence it appears to be a useful and reliable method for obtaining a second Espeon or Umbreon at large. We come to this deduction simply due to the fact that the naming trick only works once per evolution type. For users needing more options, they must follow these steps.


To sum up, Pokémon go eevee evolutions can be fostered through one-time tricks or a series of steps. We explored everything relevant here.

Any user can focus on Pokémon go eevee evolutions through one-time tricks or a series of steps. They must do whatever suits their particular needs. 

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