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How To Use ChatGPT 4: A Guide To Help You Understand The New Model

How To Use ChatGPT 4: A Guide To Help You Understand The New Model

With chatGPT 4 getting released, many have become confused as to whether the usage method of the tool has changed or not. However, it became a roaring success among the populace for its flexible usage. In case you don’t end up missing out on using this amazing tool, we have compiled a list of classic ” how to use ChatGPT 4how to use ChatGPT 4 for you.

ChatGPT can be used in terms of business, content creation, coding, and whatnot. No matter what hurdle one throws at it, ChatGPT has overcome the issue with flying colors. So, if you haven’t already jumped the wagon with 96 million users per month, it’s time to do that by using our simple guide. Wiki

But before we do so, let us take a glance at what you will be getting out of this tool…

This interactive AI chatbot has many usages. how to use ChatGPT 4 Since the major task is to generate human-like responses, here are a few tasks you can use it for.

  • To write codes
  • Or content including articles and blog posts
  • To generate answers to your questions
  • Lastly, writing poems, narration, and stories

ChatGPT’s version 3 gained momentum. However, OpenAI released version 3.5 which is free.

How To Use ChatGPT 4: A Guide To Help You Understand The New Model

how to use ChatGPT 4

What Will You Get with ChatGPT 4?

OpenAI released ChatGPT 4 on the 14th match, 2023 with advanced features. It comes with a multimodal model that can profess text inputs as well as image inputs.  how to use ChatGPT 4Therefore, you can analyze the images to get answers related to it. Apart from this, you get,

  • A max support of up to 25,000 words of text
  • An ability to analyze images
  • More creative as well as diverse responses similar to Bard.
  • A solid management in terms of conversation
  • Advanced support for multiple languages of content
  • Accuracy and speedy delivery
  • Advanced awareness of the context of the content
  • Ability to respond to narratives in an advanced way.
  • Lastly, the ability to construct.
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So, How to Use ChatGPT 4?

There are two versions of ChatGPT that you can use for your task. One is a free version where you can take advantage of the tool up to a certain extent. The second version will require you to pay a subscription of $20 a month. However, if you plan to join the wishlist, get to mend. The pricing of the token starts at the cost of $0.03 and you will get 1000 prompt tokens with 8000 content length. how to use ChatGPT 4

But how to use ChatGPT for free?

Here’s a hack you can rely on.

  • Microsoft has invested in ChatGPT and their chatbot is powered by the latest version. So, first, you need to install the latest version of Microsoft Edge on your device.
  • Now, you need to head to the official site of Bing. Click on
  • Hit the option of ‘Start Chatting’ so that you can begin your GPT-4 spree.
  • Lastly, if you notice that they took you to the sign-in page, enter your credentials.

That was the hack to use on Bing. What about Hugging Face? Let’s cover it as well.

Once you click on it, you will have enabled ChatGPT on Hugging Face.

Let’s understand the steps to using it on as well…

  • First, you need to open the web platform of the said website. Click on this link to get started.
  • Now, you have to sign in using your email.
  • Next, you may see the ChatGPT prompt for free. It means you are in.
  • So, ask the questions directly using the interface to get your answers.

Now it is time to cover how ChatGPT works in…

  • The process to this is extremely easy as first you need to head to
  • Now, sign up with your email address and phone number.
  • Head to the setting option in the right panel.
  • Alter the option of “Modeget-4 “gpt-4”.
  • However, keep in mind to keep everything in default. Modify the setting only if you feel it needs modification.
  • Lastly, hit the option of the ‘playground’ tab.

Ask away the questions you have freely.

Our Takeaway:

ChatGPT is one essential tool that you can use for your task if you know how to be fundamentally flexible. Moreover, your imagination is the only limitation. So we suggest you know the platform to let ChatGPT do the magic.

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